Karma Yoga Explained


What is karma yoga?

Karma yoga is a path of spiritual practice within Hinduism that involves selfless service to others. It is founded on the belief that all actions have consequences, and that by performing actions selflessly and without attachment to their outcomes, one can progress spiritually.

In karma yoga, the goal is to purify the mind and ego through selfless action, and to become more compassionate and selfless in one's interactions with others. The practice of karma yoga is often associated with the idea of 'doing one's duty' or 'performing one's duty without attachment to the results'. It is believed that this type of selfless action can lead to spiritual growth and liberation.

Woman cleaning up rubbish on a beach

How is karma yoga different from karma?

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the term 'karma' refers to the concept of cause and effect, in which the actions of an individual (physical, verbal, and mental) have consequences that affect the individual's present and future lives. Karma is believed to be a law of the universe that governs the consequences of a person's actions.

Karma yoga, on the other hand, is a path of spiritual practice within Hinduism that involves selfless service to others. It is founded on the belief that all actions have consequences, and that by performing actions selflessly and without attachment to their outcomes, one can progress spiritually. The goal of karma yoga is to purify the mind and ego through selfless action and to become more compassionate and selfless in one's interactions with others.

In this sense, karma yoga can be seen as a way of practicing the principles of karma in a more conscious and deliberate way. While the law of karma is believed to operate independently of an individual's intention, the practice of karma yoga involves a conscious effort to perform actions selflessly and without attachment to the results.

How can you practice karma yoga in today's modern world?

There are many ways to practice karma yoga in today's modern world. Some ways to practice this type of selfless service include volunteering at a local non-profit organisation or community centre, helping a neighbour in need, or even simply performing small acts of kindness for others on a daily basis. Here are a few other ideas for practicing karma yoga in today's modern world.

  1. Get involved with a charitable cause: You can find a cause that resonates with you and get involved in supporting it through volunteering, donating, or advocating for it.
  2. Practice mindfulness: By becoming more aware of your thoughts, actions, and intentions, you can become more attuned to opportunities for selfless service.
  3. Help others without expecting anything in return: Try to perform acts of kindness and service without any expectation of recognition or reward.
  4. Be of service to your community: Look for ways to contribute to your local community, whether through volunteering at a local school or organisation, or simply helping a neighbour in need.
  5. Find ways to bring joy and positivity to others: Whether through small acts of kindness or more significant efforts, look for opportunities to bring joy and positivity to those around you.

Remember that the key to practicing karma yoga is to focus on selfless service, rather than on personal gain or recognition. By performing actions selflessly and without attachment to the results, you can progress spiritually and become more compassionate and selfless in your interactions with others.

Interested to learn more about the yoga? Check out my blog introducing you to different types of physical yoga (the type you often do on a yoga mat) here.

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